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use crate::util::access_sys_fn;
use std::ffi::CString;
/// A domain enables tagging trace data for different modules or libraries in a program. See the
/// [Domain API] documentation for more information.
/// [Domain API]:
/// https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/documentation/vtune-help/top/api-support/instrumentation-and-tracing-technology-apis/instrumentation-tracing-technology-api-reference/domain-api.html
pub struct Domain(*mut ittapi_sys::__itt_domain);
impl Domain {
/// Create a new domain. Note that, if the `ittnotify` library is not initialized, this call
/// will succeed but the domain will be invalid; see discussion TODO.
/// ```
/// # use ittapi::Domain;
/// let domain = Domain::new("test-domain");
/// ```
pub fn new(name: &str) -> Self {
let create_fn = access_sys_fn!(__itt_domain_create_ptr__3_0);
let create_fn = access_sys_fn!(__itt_domain_createA_ptr__3_0);
let c_string =
CString::new(name).expect("unable to create a CString; does it contain a 0 byte?");
let domain = unsafe { create_fn(c_string.as_ptr()) };
/// Use the `__itt_domain` pointer internally.
pub(crate) fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const ittapi_sys::__itt_domain {
self.0 as *const _
/// As discussed in the [ITT documentation], the `__itt_domain` structure is accessible by any
/// thread in the process.
/// [ITT documentation]:
/// https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/documentation/vtune-help/top/api-support/instrumentation-and-tracing-technology-apis/instrumentation-tracing-technology-api-reference/domain-api.html
unsafe impl Sync for Domain {}