pub trait InstBuilderBase<'f>: Sized {
    fn data_flow_graph(&self) -> &DataFlowGraph;
fn data_flow_graph_mut(&mut self) -> &mut DataFlowGraph;
fn build(
        data: InstructionData,
        ctrl_typevar: Type
    ) -> (Inst, &'f mut DataFlowGraph); }
Expand description

Base trait for instruction builders.

The InstBuilderBase trait provides the basic functionality required by the methods of the generated InstBuilder trait. These methods should not normally be used directly. Use the methods in the InstBuilder trait instead.

Any data type that implements InstBuilderBase also gets all the methods of the InstBuilder trait.

Required methods

Get an immutable reference to the data flow graph that will hold the constructed instructions.

Get a mutable reference to the data flow graph that will hold the constructed instructions.

Insert an instruction and return a reference to it, consuming the builder.

The result types may depend on a controlling type variable. For non-polymorphic instructions with multiple results, pass INVALID for the ctrl_typevar argument.
